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Name :
Maheshwari Iyer

Y Waste
& Food Bank

UX Design for Y waste App - Food Bank
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Y waste & Foodbank


Adobe XD, Illustrator, After Effects & 

Main Roles

User Research, Ideation, Interface design,
 Branding & Product Management


By providing a digital food donation platform - the Ywaste app - in 
collaboration with Foodbank, Y waste aims at reducing food insecurity 
and waste.

Food stores will display surplus food at a discounted price at the end of the day for consumers to buy and collect through its app.I had to redesign the UX/UI of the Y waste app for an improved approach at rescuing surplus food in Australia focused mainly on the elderly user group.

Design challenge

How might we enhance the current functionalities to 
 re-imagine the experience of food ordering for the elderly?

Currently, Y Waste’s food ordering experience leaves a lot to be desired. Particularly when focusing on portion information and ordering speed. It was our job to improve these user experience factors as well as the aesthetic side of the design.

Design Response
With the key factor of the food ordering experience in mind, we wanted to create a brand new experience for customers to be able to use. 
Keeping this in mind, we reduced clutter on all pages as well as creating a much more efficient feature hierarchy, removing the original 
homepage all together and narrowing our main navigation to 4 pages. All of this contributed to making the design as efficient as possible.

Service Blueprint

Reducing Food Insecurity The Y waste app

Our research included quantitative research as well as the creation of a user persona, a journey map, an empathy map, 
and a competitor analysis.

The journey map is based on one of our observation results. The tasks (including the micro-tasks) and the findings were 
used to identify points that could be applied to the solution.

Empathy Map

How does a person feel when they are food insecure?

Based on the primary research we conducted, we found that 
many food insecure groups prefer to starve or reduce their daily 
food intake or try to find discounts. Those that do use the feel 
the experience to be rigid. There is also an influenced perspective 
that receiving at the restaurant might create room for judgment 
potentially skewing one’s ability to use the app.

Empathy Map

Competitor Analysis

– How do similar food and waste reduction apps compare to the Y waste app?

– What are Y waste app s areas of strength and places for improvement?

-Functionality (ex product description, preferences, and filtering.)
-User Interface (ex layout ,the visual design and the architecture of information.)
-Product Related (ex reviews, support, community groups, rewards.)

Competitor Analysis

Offers the same function in a similar manner 

Offers the same functions in a different manner 

Offers the same functions in a different manner 

Food ordering and Food Delivery Apps


1. Customer perceptions
2. Accessibility

Market Gap

Y waste app has the support and backing of Foodbank, making it easier to reach a broad user base and tackle the problem of food insecurity at a community level.

With this latest collaboration Y waste app can further improve its credibility. Joining a more transparent and community-based  collaborative programme to facilitate the process of actively reaching the most insecure food groups. This would result in increased donations and the use of core services.


Our comparative review outlined different ways in which the Y-waste app could be improved on. 
We examined and acknowledged some of the competitors' features which were lacking in the Y- waste app, some of them implementable, some of them not. Here are some of our important findings and how we proposed to improve on them.

Refined Concept

The general usability of the Y Waste app suggested that we should focus on creating a more streamlined experience for the user. Initially, our ideation revolved around creating delivery options, allowing further discounts. Further brainstorming identified that we needed to improve the accessibility for all age groups. However, because it is a mobile application, there wasn’t an option for live assistance. We wanted to solve this by integrating a quick guide system. We needed to make the ordering process as simple as possible, only adding guidance for customers to be able to refer to where needed.

Refined Concept

Focus - Food Ordering Process 

Low Fidelity Prototype

We began our prototyping process with “paper prototyping”, although it was drawn digitally. After sorting them out to identify the user flow including redefined onboarding, log in and sign up, food ordering and other settings. We proceeded to low-fidelity prototyping, made with Adobe Illustrator to create the screens and Adobe XD to form the prototype. 

HI fed prototype

With the low-fidelity testing results in mind, we developed the high-fidelity prototype

branding tools
Our project also involved creating client and merchant flyers for the Y waste app. To improve the experience we also redesigned the logo. We also suggested a door sticker for restaurants to promote Y waste at community levels.

outcome and reflection
To recap, our project is recreating the sending experience at the comfort of the user’s own personal device. We redesigned the Y Waste mobile app that enabled users to make use of the core function at its best, in regards to being more community-oriented and eradicating food insecurity.
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